Take Your Place at Olympus!

Olympus is a free, web based medieval fantasy game, where you can progressively build your character to be the strongest.

1. Manage Your Character

After you register, your character will be created, and then you will be able to play Olympus. You can manage your character's equipment and stats from Dashboard section.

You can eat your foods here, restoring hp and energy.

2. Merchants

You can trade with merchants by buying and selling items. You can get discount when buying and additional gold when selling, this is improved by your charisma stat. When you visit merchants, they offer you items you can buy from them. After some time (shown at the top of the page), these items are gone and restocked with new items. Items are also gone and restocked with new items when you gain a level.

For weapons and armors, you can visit Blacksmith.

For foods and necklaces, you can visit Market.

3. Training

You can train your character for gold and improve their stats on Training section. You can also check benefits of improving a specific stat on this section.

4. Business

You can buy properties/businesses to gain passive gold income on Business section. After you buy one, the gold you gain will start to accumulate for you to withdraw. You can see the available gold you can withdraw and withdraw it if there is any.

5. Thievery (PVE)

Who said that everyone needs to be a hero? Here, you can be the greatest thief of all at Thievery section! Your chance to succeed when stealing improved by your dexterity stat, and your chance to escape upon failure is improved by your intelligence stat. When you succeed, you unlock a new thievery mission which makes you gain more gold and xp, also that is also harder to succeed and escape. No matter how much dexterity you have, there can be caps for success chance and it can not be always 100%. But there are no caps for escaping upon failure. A thievery option has a limit. If you successfully complete an option 12 times, you must wait 24 hours until the time you completed the first one.

Beware, don't get caught! If you fail and can't escape, you will be jailed for some time (shown at the top of the page), this time is improved depend on the level of the theft (bigger thievery, longer jail time).

If you are jailed, you cannot go anywhere. You can try to persuade the guard for him to let you free (bigger thievery, harder chance. Chance improved by charisma stat), if you fail nothing happens. Or you can try to escape from jail (bigger thievery, harder chance. Chance improved by intelligence stat), but if you fail, your serving time in jail increases equal to your normal jail time. No matter how much intelligence or charisma you have, there can be caps for success chance and it can not be always 100%. If nothing works, you cannot do anything other than serving your time in jail.
After you succeed one of the options or serve your time, you will be free.

6. Arena (PVP)

Blood and sand, the ferocious glory! Arena section is where you can fight with other players. You can see the players above you and below you that you can attack. You can also see the top 3, champion players at this section.

When you beat someone who has higher rank than you, your rank will be improved. After the fight, you can see the combat details by clicking it.

When you fight in the arena, your hit points will be fulled for that fight. Also after the fight, your current hit points won't be affected, so you don't need to worry about lacking hit points. After you fight in the arena, you must wait for some time to fight again in the arena (shown at the top of the page). Now, be The Arena Champion!

7. Expedition (PVE)

True adventurers never relent and true heroes always win! There are many evildoers in the world, it's your job to find them and end their activities as a hero! Expedition section is where you explore a place that does not feel right.

After that, you observe the creatures who roam around and fight them if they pose a threat.

After the fight, you can see the combat details by clicking it. Upon winning, you gain xp, gold and (a possible item). If it's the first time you slay that monster, you also learn the stats of that creature and unlock the next creature (monster) to attack.

After clearing all the monsters, you unlock the chapter's boss creature to attack. This creature is the hardest of that chapter, so be sure you are well-prepared before attacking them. The bosses have chance to drop unique boss items called artifacts (enchanted necklaces, weapons, armors) if you defeat them, when you get an artifact, think twice before selling it, because an artifact can only be obtained once. If you defeat a boss for the first time, that chapter is completed, this will make the monsters of that chapter weaken and you will be able to preserve some of your hit points if you are defeated by them. You will unlock the next chapter which will be tougher, but more rewarding. Also, you will gain extra gold and emerald, a special currency that you can spend for miraculous benefits.

8. Emerald

The light shines upon us, from the sky! At this section, you can gain miraculous benefits like ending jail time instantly, restoring energy instantly, restocking items instantly and so on... With the emeralds you gain by defeating bosses or making donations from the /support section. You can reach this section by clicking the emerald icon, at the right top sub menu, that also shows your other stats like gold, xp, inventory space...

9. Players

Here on Players section, you can see the players and search them via filtering.